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UN food agency short of funds for operations in DR Congo

The World Food Programme (WFP) has announced that it is going to reduce or suspend some of its activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) because it does not have funds.

The agency, which is funded entirely by voluntary contributions, says that to continue its operations over the next six months, it urgently needs $75 million to see it through May 2014.

2013 saw major milestones in quest for a mine free world

There’s been a drop in landmine casualties after a decline in the use of anti-personnel mines and increased global funding for mine action since the adoption of the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty.

That’s the message delivered by the mine ban community at the 2 December opening of the Thirteenth Meeting of the States Parties (13MSP) of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.

However, new evidence in 2013 shows that Yemen, a Mine Ban Treaty member state, laid thousands of mines in 2011. Furthermore, allegations that other State Parties have used anti-personnel mines persist.

Burundi faces challenges as it prepares for 2015 general elections

The people of Burundi continue to face challenges as the country prepares for the 2015 general elections.

That’s what has come out of a three day meeting from 27 to 29 November in the African country.

The meeting, jointly organized by the United Nations Office in Burundi (BNUB) and the government of Burundi brought together all major political parties in the country.

The head of the BNUB Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, who is also the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Burundi, tells UN Radio’s Derrick Mbatha that participation in the meeting was huge.

World AIDS Day: Focus on adolescents

Ten years ago, health experts pledged to give people living with HIV in resource-poor countries greater access to life-saving anti-retroviral treatment by 2005.

At the time, only about 300,000 people worldwide, most of them in Brazil, had access to these medicines at a cost of about $10,000 a year per patient.

Although nearly 10 million people now receive anti retroviral treatment which suppresses the HIV virus, challenges remain in preventing infections in adolescents.

Dianne Penn reports.

Duration: 3'44"

Concert commemorates International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

For nearly 30 years, the United Nations has observed 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

The date was chosen for its meaning and significance to Palestinians as it was on that day in 1947 that the UN General Assembly adopted what came to be known as the Partition Resolution which provided for the establishment in Palestine of a “Jewish State” and an “Arab State.”

So far only one, Israel, has come into being.

UNDP joins the #GivingTuesday movement

This Thursday, 28 November, is Thanksgiving Day, a national holiday in the United States. It’s a time when families gather to express gratitude for the many blessings they have received.

No doubt retailers, both brick-and-mortar stores and online, give thanks for the Friday and Monday after Thanksgiving. “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday,” as they are known, are among the biggest shopping days of the year.

South Sudan at a crossroads on the path to consolidating peace: UN envoy

South Sudan continues to confront pressing challenges which include addressing inter-communal violence and human rights abuses by the security forces.

However, Hilde Johnson, head of the UN mission in the country (UNMISS), believes the world’s youngest nation is at a crossroads and that there are signs of hope.

In a briefing this month to the Security Council, she stressed that the international community must help South Sudan consolidate peace, democracy and respect for fundamental human rights.

Hundreds of Eritreans are leaving their country every month

Up to 3,000 Eritreans are leaving their country each month to escape human rights violations perpetrated by the government and its security agencies, according to a United Nations human rights expert.

Sheila Keetharuth, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea is urging the Eritrean Government to stop human rights violations.

UN Radio’s Patrick Maigua spoke by phone with Ms. Keetharuth, who has just returned from a visit to Tunisia and Malta where she met with Eritreans in exile.

Duration: 4'26"

UN health agency issues new guidelines for treating children with severe acute malnutrition

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday issued new guidelines for treating children under five with severe acute malnutrition.

According to the agency, there are almost 20 million children under-five years of age worldwide who have severe acute malnutrition.

WHO says “severe acute malnutrition is when children suffer severe wasting that may or may not be accompanied by swelling of the body with fluid retention.”

Music producer David Guetta supports UN humanitarian campaign

Music star David Guetta is behind some of the hottest songs played in clubs and at parties worldwide. Collaborating with singers and rappers, he has produced hits such as ‘I Gotta Feeling’ by the Black Eyed Peas.

The French DJ is helping the United Nations and its partners to raise money for humanitarian emergencies, such as the typhoon in the Philippines.

Dianne Penn reports on how he is helping to turn words into action that benefits people affected by disasters.

Duration: 2'50"