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Farmers need extra US$45 million to ward off El Niño in Ethiopia

Farmers need extra US$45 million to ward off El Niño in Ethiopia


Farmers battling drought in Ethiopia have “a small window of opportunity” this September to plant a last set of crops for the year, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The UN agency is appealing for US $45 million in additional funding to support farmers so they can produce food for millions of their fellow citizens who are facing hunger.

FAO reports that Ethiopia has staved off the worst of the drought, which was followed by flooding, brought on by the weather phenomenon known as El Niño.

Sandra Ferrari asked FAO Surge Response Team Leader in Ethiopia, Pierre Vauthier, about the extent of its impact on the agricultural sector.

Duration: 5'17"

Photo Credit
UNICEF/Mulugeta Ayene