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Ban welcomes decision by Turkey to provide access to burial sites in north of Cyprus

Leader of the Turkish Cypriot Community Mustafa Akinci.
UN Photo/Amanda Voisard
Leader of the Turkish Cypriot Community Mustafa Akinci.

Ban welcomes decision by Turkey to provide access to burial sites in north of Cyprus

Following a confirmation from the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, Mr. Mustafa Akinci, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the decision by Turkey to allow access to the Committee on Missing Persons excavation teams, to 30 suspected burial sites in the military areas in the north of Cyprus.

“The Secretary-General is encouraged by the steps being taken to build trust and confidence between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities as the two sides have begun intensified talks this month,” said a statement issued by Mr. Ban’s spokesperson in New York.

The UN chief added that the UN remains committed to supporting both leaders “in the talks aimed at achieving a comprehensive settlement in Cyprus.”