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Cyprus: UN-backed missing persons group launches website in Greek, Turkish

Cyprus: UN-backed missing persons group launches website in Greek, Turkish

The United Nations-backed group in Cyprus tasked with identifying the remains of missing persons and returning those remains to the families concerned announced today that it has launched Greek and Turkish versions of its website.

The Committee on Missing Persons (CMP) took the step to make its work more accessible to the people it is aiming to help.

In a press release issued in Nicosia, it voiced hope that its website will encourage those with information regarding the whereabouts of Greek Cypriots or Turkish Cypriots missing since 1964 or 1974 to come forward.

To date, the remains of 399 individuals have been exhumed, with 84 of them having been identified and returned to their families.

Created in 1981 by agreement between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities under UN auspices, the CMP is one of the only institutionalized, bi-communal committees in Cyprus.

It is composed of three members: one appointed by each of the two communities and a third selected by the International Committee of the Red Cross and appointed by the UN Secretary-General.