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Ban congratulates Malians, and president-elect Keita, on successful polls

Voting in second round of Mali’s presidential election in Kidal.
MINUSMA/Blagoje Grujic
Voting in second round of Mali’s presidential election in Kidal.

Ban congratulates Malians, and president-elect Keita, on successful polls

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today congratulated the authorities and the people of Mali for the successful conduct of a presidential election whose provisional results show Ibrahim Boubacar Keita in the lead.

Earlier today, the Government announced the provisional outcome from the 11 August run-off, but the Constitutional Court still needs to confirm the results. Second-place candidate, Soumaïla Cissé, has already conceded the election.

Pending the final decision, Mr. Ban today congratulated Mr. Keita on his election as president, according to a statement attributable to his spokesperson.

He also acknowledged Mr. Cissé’s acceptance of the outcome and saluted “his commitment to democratic principles.”

The elections are seen as an important step on the path to recovery for Mali. Since early 2012, the country has witnessed a military coup d'état, renewed fighting between Government forces and Tuareg rebels, and the seizure of its northern territory by radical Islamists.

In the statement, Mr. Ban reiterated the UN’s commitment to accompany Mali in the next phase of its stabilisation and peace consolidation process, including by supporting inclusive dialogue and reconciliation and the conduct of the national legislative elections.

“The United Nations also stands ready to support the re-establishment of State authority in the north of Mali, the protection of human rights and the implementation of key reforms that will lay the foundation for sustainable peace, stability and development to the benefit of all the Malian people,” it added.

In addition to humanitarian agencies working in the country, the world body is also providing support through the UN Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). In accordance with its mandate, the peacekeeping mission provided technical and logistical assistance for the run-off as well as for the first round of voting held on 28 July, in addition to support to the Malian security authorities.

MINUSMA’s core task is to support the political process in Mali, in close coordination with the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).