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Burundi, DR of Congo making progress towards peace, UN report says

Burundi, DR of Congo making progress towards peace, UN report says

The Transitional Government and the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), handling a difficult post-conflict situation, must make a clear priority list of their requirements for security, human rights, the rule of law and elections, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan says in a report released today.

The installation of the Transitional Government has brought positive developments to the country and signs of national reunification are evident, he says in the report, which notes, however, existing militias are still drawing most of their funds from the illegal exploitation of resources.

"The Council emphasized that the prompt re-establishment of State authority throughout the country, as well as the installation of a competent administration, would be decisive for ending the plundering of natural resources," says the report, which reviews progress since a Council mission travelled to the region last June.

The handover of territorial control from foreign forces to local armed groups in the DRC has led to a temporary reduction in the volume of illegally exploited resources, the report says, drawing on the conclusions of a special panel on the DRC's natural resources.

The report also assesses the situation in Burundi, where challenges to the peace process are described as "tremendous" ahead of planned elections later this year.

The international community "should sustain its political advocacy role and maintain its financial, logistical and technical support to Burundi," Mr. Annan says.

With prospects improving for the convening of a proposed international conference on the Great Lakes region, the Secretary-General urges an increase in resources for the office of his Special Representative, Ibrahima Fall, "requires additional resources.

"The outcome of the conference could be a pact on security, stability and development," the report states.