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Middle East: UN agency to set up summer camps for Palestinian youth

Middle East: UN agency to set up summer camps for Palestinian youth

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has agreed to set up 35 summer camps for youths across the West Bank and Gaza in an effort to provide Palestinian youngsters with an opportunity to participate in sports, arts and crafts and other recreational activities.

UNDP's Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP) signed the agreements earlier this week with several Palestinian community organizations to enable some 5,000 youngsters to participate in the camps during July and August.

"Getting youth off the streets during these difficult times of military closures in the occupied Palestinian territory and offering them productive, educational activities is consistent with UNDP/PAPP's human development agenda," said Timothy Rothermel, the UNDP Special Representative for the Programme of Assistance.

Among the community organizations that will be working with UNDP/PAPP in setting up the summer camps are the Ramallah Municipality, the Jerusalem Ladies Association, the Palestinian Red Crescent, the Spafford Children's Center in Jerusalem, the Anglican School in Ramallah and the Palestinian Youth Association in Gaza.