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Gaza: Rafah invasion would ‘break the back’ of UN aid response warns veteran aid coordinator

Gaza: Rafah invasion would ‘break the back’ of UN aid response warns veteran aid coordinator


Israel’s planned invasion of Rafah would “break the back of our response” when it comes to preventing the aid crisis in Gaza from getting even worse, said the UN Deputy Special Coordinator in the region on Monday.

In an interview with UN News, Jamie McGoldrick who is the number two in the Office of the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, said politics aside, it is crucial to get more aid to those who need it. 

He told Ezzat El-Ferri that in decades of frontline aid work he has never seen a conflict have such an intense, far reaching and speedy impact on a population as in Gaza today.

Audio Credit
Audio credit: Ezzat El-Ferri, UN News
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