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'We will succeed', pledges force commander of deadly Mali mission

'We will succeed', pledges force commander of deadly Mali mission


The man in charge of blue helmets serving at the UN’s deadliest peacekeeping mission, which is facing serious shortfalls in equipment and personnel, has pledged to succeed - if he’s given the tools to do the job.

Force Commander of the UN Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), Major General Jean-Paul Deconinck, was speaking on the first day of the UN Peacekeeping Defence Ministerial conference in Vancouver, Canada.

He briefed ministers and senior military officers attending a special session on bolstering MINUSMA, where more than 30 blue helmets have died on active duty this year, largely following attacks by violent extremists.

UN Peacekeeping chief, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, told the meeting of mostly uniformed men and women, that the UN needed to provide troops better protection “and better-protect the population as well, against the threats they are facing”.

Matt Wells is in Vancouver covering the two-day event, and asked Force Commander Deconinck why he’d come to Canada.

Duration: 3’15”

Photo Credit
UN News/Matt Wells