Global perspective Human stories

Lives completely ruined in Yei, South Sudan

Lives completely ruined in Yei, South Sudan


Humanitarians were barred from delivering much-needed medicines to the town of Yei in South Sudan on Friday, a senior official with the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, has reported.

OCHA Operations Director John Ging said even though political leaders had granted permission to the convoy, it was barred from entering the town.

Yei had previously been spared from the conflict that has plagued South Sudan since December 2013.

However, after violence broke out in the capital, Juba, in July, thousands of people headed there.

As a result, the population in Yei has also become a target of the violence, with UN agencies reporting incidents such as assault, mutilation, killing and looting.

Mr Ging told David Lukan about the shocking stories he heard there.

Duration: 3’42”

Photo Credit
OCHA/L. Fultang (file photo)