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‘Work to be done’ to ensure Haiti security support mission can make progress

‘Work to be done’ to ensure Haiti security support mission can make progress


More work needs to be done to ensure the success of the multinational security support mission which has deployed to Haiti to help the national police address chronic levels of violence and instability. That’s according to Bob Rae, Canada’s Ambassador to the UN and the newly elected president of the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

The mission, which is not a UN peacekeeping operation, began deploying in June and has experienced some notable gains including shifting the area of operation of some of the gang activity in the capital Port-au-Prince away from two key hospitals and the main port.

But, talking to UN News’s Cristina Silveiro following a visit to the Caribbean island nation, Mr. Rae said it was impossible to say the country “had turned a corner”.

Audio Credit
Cristina Silveiro, UN News
Photo Credit
© UNOCHA/Giles Clarke