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Sudan: ‘We’re in a race against time, but the time is running out’

Sudan: ‘We’re in a race against time, but the time is running out’


War-torn Sudan is facing a looming famine and the world’s largest displacement crisis as the conflict between rival militaries that started last April grinds on and the situation deteriorates on the ground. UN News’s Khaled Mohamed spoke with Justin Brady, who leads the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the country.

Speaking from Port Sudan, where most aid agencies are now based, Mr. Brady warned that “the images starting to come out from some areas are reminiscent of the worst of any famine we have seen elsewhere” and described the tense situation in El Fasher and other hotspots around the country, stressing that “we’re in a race against time, but the time is running out.”

Audio Credit
Khaled Mohammed, UN News
Photo Credit
UN News