Global perspective Human stories

UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva: Ethiopia arrests, COVID-19 antiviral boost, #YAS21

UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva: Ethiopia arrests, COVID-19 antiviral boost, #YAS21


In this week’s show: a worrying state of emergency continues in Ethiopia where UN staff are being held – the Secretary-General wants them released immediately – a pharma deal that gives a lot more people a chance to get COVID-19 antivirals than ever before, and tough words for the tobacco industry, from the World Health Organization (WHO).

And in this week’s interview - with UN communications chief Melissa Fleming – why it’s crucially important that the Organization should do more to listen to what young activists are saying, for everyone’s sake.

Audio Credit
Daniel Johnson, Solange Behoteguy-Cortes and Mihika Acharya.