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Haiti: UN envoy urges political actors to maintain constructive approach ahead of National Assembly

Head of the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) Sandra Honoré.
UN/MINUSTAH/Nektarios Markogiannis
Head of the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) Sandra Honoré.

Haiti: UN envoy urges political actors to maintain constructive approach ahead of National Assembly

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Haiti has urged all Haitian actors to maintain a constructive approach in the country's electoral process.

According to a statement, Sandra Honoré, who is also Head of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), “urges all Haitian actors to maintain a constructive approach to ensure the continuity of governance at all levels and to pursue the electoral process as foreseen.”

In that context, the Special Representative said she expects the Parliament to meet in the National Assembly to open the second ordinary session of the legislative year on 13 June, in keeping with the country's constitution.

On 14 February, the Haitian National Assembly elected Jocelerme Privert as the island nation's interim President, one week after former President Michel Martelly departed without a successor.

On 25 April, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was deeply concerned that the agreed-upon date for holding elections in Haiti – 24 April – had not been met. That date had been set following an agreement – known as the 5 February Agreement – between Haitian stakeholders to preserve institutional continuity and further the electoral process.