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Somalia: UN condemns deadly Al-Shabaab attacks against civilian targets in Mogadishu

Lido beach in Mogadishu, Somalia.
AMISOM/Tobin Jones
Lido beach in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Somalia: UN condemns deadly Al-Shabaab attacks against civilian targets in Mogadishu

The United Nations Security Council condemned in the strongest terms today’s attack in Mogadishu perpetrated by Al-Shabaab, “which has resulted in a number of deaths and injuries of innocent civilians going about their daily lives.

In a press statement, the members of the Security Council expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims, as well as to the people and Government of Somalia. They wished a speedy recovery to those injured in the attack, which, according to media reports, left more than a dozen people dead at a popular beachside restaurant in the Somali capital.

The Council also paid tribute to the response of the Somali security forces to these attacks, and underlined the need to bring perpetrators, organisers, financiers and sponsors of such reprehensible acts of terrorism to justice.

In addition, the Council stressed that those responsible for these killings should be held accountable, and urged all States, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate actively with all relevant authorities in this regard.

Stressing the need to take measures to prevent and suppress the financing of Al-Shabaab, and any other terrorist group in Somalia, the Council also underscored its solidarity with the people and Government of Somalia at this difficult time.

Council members reiterated their determination that no terrorist attack shall dampen the 15-member body’s resolve to bring the peace and stability to Somalia that its people deserve, and look forward to elections in 2016 which will help reinforce the path towards stability.

In a separate statement, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General also condemned in the strongest possible terms the attacks, which were also perpetrated against a wedding party and a graduation celebration.

“Such outrageous actions must not undermine efforts to restore peace and stability to Somalia,” stressed Michael Keating.

A spokesperson for the Al-Shabaab group claimed responsibility for the barbaric attack that killed at least 20 people – that encompassed a pregnant mother and a small child.

“This latest atrocity by Al-Shabaab is very deliberately intended to intimidate Somali civilians,” said SRSG Keating. “We will do everything possible to ensure that al-Shabaab does not succeed in its desperate attempts to frustrate the hopes of the Somali people.”

On behalf of the entire United Nations family in Somalia, Mr. Keating extended his deepest condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the attack.