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Ban urges peaceful, credible vote ahead of constitutional referendum in Central African Republic

Displaced Central African Republic families in Mpoko site for internally displaced persons, October 2014.
OCHA/Gemma Cortes
Displaced Central African Republic families in Mpoko site for internally displaced persons, October 2014.

Ban urges peaceful, credible vote ahead of constitutional referendum in Central African Republic

On the eve of the referendum on the draft Constitution in the Central African Republic, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on all national stakeholders to ensure that the referendum is conducted in a peaceful and credible manner.

“The referendum is a significant milestone towards the end of the transition in the Central African Republic which will lay new foundations for a stable future for the country and its people,” said a statement issued by Mr. Ban's spokesperson in New York.

Mr. Ban also reiterated the commitment of the United Nations to continue to support the efforts of the Transitional Authorities and the electoral process.

Earlier, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein voiced deep concern at mounting sectarian language, warning of possible “dramatic consequences” given the highly volatile pre-election atmosphere.

“I strongly condemn the incitement of violence and provocation of inter-communal tensions by some armed groups and political leaders. This could very easily lead to yet another wave of targeted attacks in the country,” said Mr. Zeid in a statement.