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Lebanon: UN mission calls for restraint following explosion, retaliatory fire


Lebanon: UN mission calls for restraint following explosion, retaliatory fire

The United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon today urged maximum restraint after two Israeli soldiers were wounded in the Shaba’a area as a result of an improvised explosive device, and Israel retaliated with artillery fire towards the area of Kfar Shouba hills.

“This incident is a violation of UN resolution 1701,” UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told reporters in New York, referring to the resolution which ended the 2006 war between Israel and the Lebanese group Hizbollah.

“Such actions are in contravention of efforts to reduce tensions and establish a stable and secure environment in southern Lebanon.”

He said the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) contacted both parties, urging maximum restraint and asking them to cooperate with the mission to reduce tension and prevent escalation.

UNIFIL is also launching an investigation to determine the facts and circumstances of the incident.

The peacekeeping force, which was first established in 1978, is tasked with ensuring that the area between the so-called Blue Line separating Israel and Lebanon and the Litani River is free of unauthorized weapons, personnel and assets. It also cooperates with the LAF so they can fulfil their security responsibilities.

UNIFIL also remains engaged with the parties on the outstanding issue of northern Ghajar and continues to monitor and report on ground and air violations of resolution 1701.