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Niger: UN official vows to help country overcome socio-economic challenges

Said Djinnit, Secretary-General’s Special Representative for West Africa.
UN Photo/P. Filgueiras
Said Djinnit, Secretary-General’s Special Representative for West Africa.

Niger: UN official vows to help country overcome socio-economic challenges

The United Nations representative for West Africa today offered the world body’s support to strengthening the democratic institutions in Niger, according to a press statement from the UN Office for West Africa (UNOWA).

Said Djinnit, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa, met President Mahamadou Issoufou and conveyed “the readiness of the United Nations to continue supporting efforts aimed at strengthening institutions and democratic governance,” UNOWA said in a press statement.

Mr. Djinnit also offered “support to assist the country overcoming the various challenges it is facing, including in the socio-economic sphere and towards achieving food security.”

Mr. Issoufou was inaugurated as President in April in what Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called a “landmark achievement” in restoring constitutional order in the poor West African nation. He won a run-off election in March.

Last year renegade soldiers stormed the presidential palace and ousted then president Mamadou Tandja, who was accused of anti-democratic practices by opposition figures and the international community.