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UN chief condemns bomb attack in West Jerusalem

UN chief condemns bomb attack in West Jerusalem

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today strongly condemned the bomb attack near a bus stop in West Jerusalem, which reportedly killed one woman and injured more than 30 Israeli civilians, some of them seriously.

“Such attacks are unacceptable. The Secretary-General is deeply concerned and calls for an immediate cessation of acts of terrorism and violence against civilians in order to prevent further escalation and loss of life,” said a statement issued by his spokesperson.

Media reports stated that the blast, which occurred about 3 p.m., was caused by a bomb that was left in an abandoned bag by the side of the road, near the city’s central bus station.

The bombing occurred a day after Palestinian civilians were killed when an Israeli tank shell struck them in the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian militants fired rockets into southern Israel.

The Secretary-General’s spokesperson, Martin Nesirky, said the UN chief was greatly concerned over the escalation of violence in Gaza and southern Israel.

The Secretary-General’s envoy, Robert Serry, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, was in close contact with all to promote restraint and a de-escalation of the tense situation, Mr. Nesirky added.

Meanwhile, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) today released a new report that offers a comprehensive review of both the humanitarian consequences of Israeli policies for Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem, and the increasing isolation of the area from the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

“This comprehensive report highlights the humanitarian vulnerability of Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem in accessing basic services such as education and health, exercising their right to plan and develop their communities and in freely choosing to live in East Jerusalem as an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territory,” said Maxwell Gaylard, the UN Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator for the oPt.

The report, entitled “East Jerusalem: Key Humanitarian Concerns,” documents the humanitarian impact of Israeli policies on the estimated 270,000 Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem.

It also details how East Jerusalem, traditionally the hub of Palestinian health care, education, social, economic and religious activity, has become increasingly isolated from the rest of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Restrictive access policies and the Barrier have compounded the separation.

“Despite these difficulties, East Jerusalem continues to be the centre of life for Palestinians throughout the oPt. Access by Palestinians to the city from throughout the Palestinian territory is essential to maintain Palestinian life in East Jerusalem,” said Mr. Gaylard.

The report notes that Israeli Government of Israel, as the occupying power, is responsible under international law for meeting the humanitarian needs of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the rest the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem must be able to exercise their fundamental rights, including the rights to freedom of movement, work, housing, health, education and freedom of worship, the report stresses.