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Nepal: Ban welcomes election of new premier ending political stalemate

Nepal: Ban welcomes election of new premier ending political stalemate

Jhalanath Khanal, elected Prime Minister  of Nepal
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the election of Jhalanath Khanal as Prime Minister of Nepal, a move that ends a prolonged stalemate on forming a new government in the South Asian country.

Mr. Ban congratulated the Prime Minister-elect and reaffirmed the support of the United Nations to all efforts to complete the country’s peace process, and to adopt a new constitution by the stipulated date of 28 May this year.

“The Secretary-General commends the Parliament for this significant achievement and all Nepali parties and leaders for their efforts to form a new government,” said a statement released by the spokesperson of the Secretary-General.

“He believes this development will give a significant boost to efforts to fully implement their outstanding commitments under the Comprehensive Peace Accord and the interim constitution, notably the integration and rehabilitation of the Maoist combatants, democratization of the army and adoption of a new constitution,” it added.

The Secretary-General reiterated his appeal to all parties and political leaders in Nepal to work through consensus and compromise to achieve the desired goals.

Marking the end of the UN Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) on 15 January, Mr. Ban and the Security Council had urged the government and all political parties to find a way to complete the country’s peace process.

UNMIN was set up in 2007 after the government and Maoists reached a peace agreement ending a war that claimed 13,000 lives. The Security Council decided to end its mandate after the parties pledged to complete outstanding issues of the peace process.