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Ban welcomes release of final results of first round of elections in Haiti

Ban welcomes release of final results of first round of elections in Haiti

Tabulating the votes from the 28 November 2010 presidential and legislative elections in Haiti
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the announcement by Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council of the final results of the first round of presidential and legislative polls, and encouraged all concerned to take advantage of the opportunity to proceed with the electoral process.

“After a year marked by the devastating earthquake of 12 January 2010 and the ongoing cholera epidemic, it is of paramount importance for Haiti to have a new democratically elected government to continue to tackle the pressing issues of recovery, reconstruction and the fight against cholera,” the Secretary-General’s spokesperson said in a statement.

Earlier today, the Provisional Electoral Council announced that a former first lady, Mirlande Manigat, and a popular musician, Michel Martelly, will be the two candidates in the presidential run-off elections, eliminating from the race incumbent President Rene Préval’s party candidate, Jude Celestin.

In December, thousands of protesters rampaged through the streets of Port-au-Prince, the capital, accusing the ruling coalition of rigging the polls, after tallies of the 28 November first round put Ms. Manigat and Mr. Celestin in first and second place. Mr. Martelly had then been in third position.