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Security Council voices sadness at death of veteran Russian diplomat and UN official

Security Council voices sadness at death of veteran Russian diplomat and UN official

Anatoly Dobrynin
Members of the Security Council said today they were saddened by the death of Russian diplomat and former senior United Nations official Anatoly Dobrynin and sent their condolences to his family and the Russian Government.

Mr. Dobrynin died on Tuesday at the aged of 90.

In a statement read by the Council’s President this month, Yukio Takasu of Japan, members noted Mr. Dobrynin’s significant contribution to promoting international cooperation.

“As ambassador to Washington he played a major role in saving the world from a nuclear disaster during the crisis of October 1962,” the statement said.

Mr. Dobrynin served as Under-Secretary-General for Political and Security Council Affairs in the 1950s when the late Dag Hammarskjöld was Secretary-General of the UN.