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Ban meets with Palestinian President and Arab League chief ahead of summit

Ban meets with Palestinian President and Arab League chief ahead of summit

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, addresses General Assembly
On the eve of the League of Arab States summit in Libya, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met tonight with Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa and with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss the way forward in the Middle East.

Mr. Ban will address Arab leaders at the Summit tomorrow. He has said he would encourage their support for indirect negotiations, known as proximity talks, between Israelis and Palestinians.

The Secretary-General will also discuss his participation in last week’s meeting of the diplomatic Quartet – comprising the UN, the European Union (EU), the US and Russia – and his subsequent visit to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

Mr. Ban has said there is no alternative to a two-State solution, and that all final issues should be resolved within 24 months despite possible provocations from extremists.

Speaking to the Security Council in New York on Wednesday, Mr. Ban criticized Israel’s decision to construct another 20 dwellings in East Jerusalem, calling the settlements “illegal under international law.”

He also said that both Israelis and Palestinians should do more to build trust between them, such as the lifting of the blockade of the Gaza Strip and an end to rocket fire from militants based in Gaza.

Mr. Ban stressed that while peace is primarily in the hands of the parties themselves, the international community will continue to play a crucial role.