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Top UN envoy welcomes Palestinian efforts to build up state institutions

Robert H. Serry, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
Robert H. Serry, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process

Top UN envoy welcomes Palestinian efforts to build up state institutions

The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process has welcomed today’s announcement by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad of plans to build up Palestinian state institutions.

According to media reports, the plans include disentangling the Palestinian economy’s dependence on Israel and foreign aid, trimming the size of the government, increasing the use of technology and unifying the legal system.

The Palestinian Government is determined to build state institutions without waiting for the outcome of peace talks with the Israelis, the Prime Minister reportedly said today as he unveiled the plans – part of efforts to create a de facto State in two years.

“I welcome the announcement of Prime Minister Fayyad today and look forward to studying closely the blueprint he has unveiled,” Robert Serry said in a statement issued in Jerusalem.

He added that the plans, as explained to him by Mr. Fayyad, build on the significant efforts of self-empowerment that the Palestinian Authority has embarked on over the last two years.

“As the Palestinian Authority continues with its state-building agenda,” he stated, “it challenges all other players to step up to their responsibilities and move forward quickly and decisively in the coming two years.

“The agenda must be turned into reality by intensified actions of enablement by Israel on the ground and continued donor support, and the creation at the earliest opportunity of an internationally-recognized Palestinian State living side-by-side with Israel in peace and security,” said Mr. Serry.

In a joint communiqué issued at their meeting in June, members of the diplomatic Quartet – comprising the UN, European Union, Russia and the United States – called on Israel and the Palestinians to implement their obligations under the Middle East Road Map, which embodies the two-State solution.