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On second day in Myanmar, UN envoy meets with State officials

On second day in Myanmar, UN envoy meets with State officials

UN special envoy Ibrahim Gambari
Cooperation between the United Nations and Myanmar and the country's ongoing constitutional process were on the agenda today as the Secretary-General's Special Adviser, Ibrahim Gambari, continued his latest mission to the South-East Asian nation.

Mr. Gambari met today with Myanmar's Government Authoritative Team, including the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Information and Culture.

“They held candid discussions on present and future cooperation between Myanmar and the United Nations in the context of the Secretary-General's good offices mandate,” UN spokesperson Michele Montas told reporters in New York.

The Special Adviser also met with members of the Referendum Convening Commission and the Constitution Drafting Committee, and had detailed discussions on the ongoing constitutional process, she added.

Last month the authorities in Myanmar announced a constitutional referendum to be held this May, to be followed by “multi-party democratic elections” in 2010.

“Mr. Gambari looks forward to holding further discussions with the leadership and Government on Myanmar and all other relevant interlocutors,” Ms. Montas added.

Upon his arrival in Yangon yesterday, Mr. Gambari held talks with Myanmar's Minister for Foreign Affairs, and met with the UN Country Team, the diplomatic corps and the representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

This is his third visit since last year's Government crackdown on peaceful protesters.