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Lebanon: Security Council deplores Beirut terrorist attack

Lebanon: Security Council deplores Beirut terrorist attack

Ambassador Giadalla Ettalhi of Libya
The Security Council today strongly condemned the terrorist attack that hit the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on 15 January, killing at least three people and wounding several others, and striking a diplomatic vehicle from the United States embassy.

Reaffirming that �any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, wherever, whenever, and by whomsoever committed,� the 15-member body underlined the need to bring those responsible for this crime to justice.

In a statement read to the press by Ambassador Giadalla Ettalhi of Libya, which holds the rotating presidency for January, the Council urged all States to cooperate actively with the Lebanese authorities in this regard.

The attack was also condemned by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a statement issued earlier this week, in which he stressed the need for the Lebanese authorities to �find the perpetrators of this cowardly crime and bring them to justice.�