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Ban Ki-moon holds talks in Barbados with top officials

Ban Ki-moon holds talks in Barbados with top officials

Ban Ki-moon (R) and Foreign Minister Miller
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon held talks with senior officials in Barbados today on regional hotspots and environmental concerns, a spokesperson for the world body announced.

In addition to meeting Acting Prime Minister Mia Mottley, Mr. Ban held talks with Foreign Minister Billie Antoinette Miller on the “climate change, Haiti, and the issue of drugs and crime in the Caribbean,” spokesperson Farhan Haq told reporters in New York.

Mr. Ban’s visit to Barbados follows a two-day trip to Haiti, where on Thursday he told reporters that he was encouraged by progress on a number of fronts thanks to the efforts of the UN Stabilization Mission (MINUSTAH) and other UN agencies.

At the same time, he stressed that Haiti’s development depends on its ability to confront corruption and impunity and to firmly establish the rule of law. Pointing out that the independence of the judiciary is critical to this process, he called on members of Parliament to adopt draft bills to boost the rule of law, Mr. Haq said.

Mr. Ban also pledged to ensure that the UN does not disengage too early from Haiti, where previous peacekeeping missions have been withdrawn only to be replaced by successor forces after fragile gains were lost to renewed violence.