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UNICEF welcomes Moldovan law aimed at combating domestic violence

UNICEF welcomes Moldovan law aimed at combating domestic violence

With more than a quarter of Moldova’s women over 15 years of age having experienced domestic violence, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has welcomed parliament’s decision to adopt a law aimed at preventing and combating the problem, along with setting up rehabilitation centres and providing other support services for the victims.

“Violence can never be justified. It must be eradicated. Education makes the difference,” said UNICEF Representative Ray V. Torres. Domestic violence has consequences for children and for society as a whole and in Moldova it is one of the root causes of child abandonment, institutionalization, substance abuse and juvenile delinquency.

In Moldova, 27 per cent of women over 15 years of age have experienced violence in the home at least once, according to the 2005 Demographic and Health Survey carried out by the Government with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID), UNICEF and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

Mr. Torres stressed the importance of tackling the myths surrounding domestic violence in Moldova. One pervasive myth is that violence against women is mainly a rural phenomenon, however the 2005 Survey showed that the difference between the incidence of violence in rural and urban areas is relatively insignificant: 29 per cent and 24 per cent respectively.

Violence is also seen as a problem affecting disadvantaged families, however while in the poorest families the incidence is higher at 33 per cent, the incidence of violence in families that are better off is also significant at 22 per cent.

Last year, UNICEF supported the Government in developing the draft National Action Plan on preventing and combating violence against children, and this is currently being examined by relevant ministries.

“We would like to encourage the speeding-up of this process so that actions for the effective eradication of violence can be initiated as soon as possible,” said Mr. Torres.

UNICEF is on the ground in 155 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence.