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Togo: Secretary-General welcomes signing of political reform agreement

Togo: Secretary-General welcomes signing of political reform agreement

Kofi Annan
Secretary-General Kofi Annan today hailed the signing of an agreement between members of Togo’s Government, political parties and civil society aimed at promoting lasting political reform in the West African country.

A statement from Mr. Annan’s spokesman called yesterday’s agreement “an important undertaking by Togolese as a whole to put the past behind them and to build a brighter future based on reconciliation, transparency and the rule of law.”

The death of long-time president Gnassingbé Eyadéma in February 2005 and subsequent disputed presidential elections precipitated a political crisis and factional fighting in which at least 400 people were killed and tens of thousands fled to neighbouring countries.

The Secretary-General welcomed President Faure Gnassingbé’s commitment to rapidly implement the agreement and said he was encouraged by the “spirit of conciliation and compromise demonstrated by Togolese political leaders throughout the process.” Mr. Annan also commended President Blaise Compaore of Burkina Faso for his part in facilitating the talks.

Mr. Annan also called upon the international community to “help Togo consolidate the new chapter in the country’s process of democratic reform through renewed and increased cooperation and support, in particular to revitalize the economy.”