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Lebanese army moves into more positions vacated by Israeli troops as UN coordinates

Lebanese army moves into more positions vacated by Israeli troops as UN coordinates

Lebanese forces moved into more areas in the south of the country today as Israeli troops withdrew and the cessation of hostilities with Hizbollah continued to hold, the United Nations interim force, which is coordinating the operation, said in a statement.

The UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said that this latest withdrawal of Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) and the deployment of Lebanese troops was going ahead in accordance with plans agreed yesterday during a third trilateral meeting held between its Force Commander and senior representatives from both sides.

“Yesterday, the IDF withdrew from general areas of east-south and east-west of Bayt Yahoun and south along the road to Kunin. UNIFIL moved into vacated areas early in the afternoon. Today, the Lebanese Army shall take control over those areas.”

UNIFIL is continuing ground and air patrols throughout its area of operations to monitor the cessation of hostilities and said that there had been Israeli air violations yesterday.

“The cessation of hostilities was maintained in the past 24 hours. There was however, four air violations by Israeli jets and drones recorded yesterday,” the statement said.

As part of its humanitarian efforts, the Mission also distributed drinking water to villagers in El Khiam, Houle, Ebel Es Saqi and Wadi Khansa, and in total supplied 35,000 litres.