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UN team discusses how to achieve long-term ceasefire with officials in Beirut

UN team discusses how to achieve long-term ceasefire with officials in Beirut

Nambiar (L) and Roed-Larsen (file photo)
A United Nations delegation met in Beirut today with Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and other senior officials to discuss carrying out the terms of Security Council resolution 1701, which was adopted just over a week ago and forced a cessation to the hostilities that had engulfed Lebanon and northern Israel over the previous month, with a view to forging a long-term ceasefire.

A United Nations delegation met in Beirut today with Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and other senior officials to discuss carrying out the terms of Security Council resolution 1701, which was adopted just over a week ago and forced a cessation to the hostilities that had engulfed Lebanon and northern Israel over the previous month, with a view to forging a long-term ceasefire.

The delegation, which arrived in Beirut last night on a two-day visit, includes Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Special Advisor, Vijay Nambiar, and Terje Roed-Larsen, Mr. Annan’s Special Representative for the implementation of Security Council resolution 1559. Adopted in September, 2004, that text called for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon, the disbanding of all militias and the extension of Government control over the whole country.

In addition to Prime Minister Siniora, the delegation also met Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Elias Murr, and Minister of Interior Ahmed Fatfat.

Resolution 1701, adopted by the Security Council on 11 August, brought about a cessation of hostilities in the month-old conflict which led to the deaths of over 1,100 Lebanese and about 150 Israelis.

The delegation was also briefed by General Alain Pellegrini, Commander of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), on the situation in South Lebanon and the ongoing withdrawal of Israeli forces.

The delegation is going to meet with senior Lebanese politicians and members of Parliament on Sunday before leaving for Israel.