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Security Council panel boosts efforts to help States counter terrorism – Chairman

Security Council panel boosts efforts to help States counter terrorism – Chairman

Amb. Ellen Margrethe Løj
The Security Council committee monitoring the implementation by States of counter-terrorism measures contained in a Security Council resolution is bolstering its efforts to help countries put those requirements into practice, the Chairman of the body said today.

In a briefing to United Nations Member States on the work of the Council's Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), Ambassador Ellen Margrethe Løj of Denmark said the 15-member panel, after having gathered information from all 191 Member States about their steps to carry out resolution 1373, would be moving to emphasize "enhanced" implementation.

“The goal is to become a more focused partner in States’ implementation of obligations and provisions under resolution 1373,” she said.

Resolution 1373 was adopted in 2001 after the 11 September terrorist attacks against the United States and calls on countries to take a number of steps to enhance their legal and institutional capacity to be in a better position to counter terrorist activities nationally, regionally and globally. The resolution also established the CTC, which has been evaluating the nature and level of assistance that a particular country might need to carry out those tasks.

Ambassador Løj said the Committee also hoped that a thorough analysis of States' implementation of resolution 1373 would give it a better basis for facilitation of assistance, the second key goal of its work. She added that the Committee will be enhancing both its dialogue with UN Member States as well as its cooperation with international and regional organizations.

In addition, the Committee will be working with States on the implementation of resolution 1624, which was adopted in September 2005 during the UN World Summit and deals with incitement to commit terrorist acts. The Committee is to analyze the information received from States and report its findings to the full Security Council in September.