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Security Council hails efforts to resolve Iraq-Kuwait issues

Security Council hails efforts to resolve Iraq-Kuwait issues

Members of the Security Council today voiced their backing for the work of the United Nations envoy seeking to resolve outstanding matters relating to Iraq's 1990 invasion and subsequent occupation of Kuwait, and hailed the Baghdad Government for its rolein the process.

Members of the Security Council today voiced their backing for the work of the United Nations envoy seeking to resolve outstanding matters relating to Iraq's 1990 invasion and subsequent occupation of Kuwait, and hailed the Baghdad Government for its role in the process.

Following a briefing today from the envoy, Ambassador Yuli Vorontsov, Council members issued a press statement voicing their “full support” his continued efforts and welcoming the “continuing construction engagement” of the Government of Iraq.

The current President of the 15-member body, Chinese Ambassador Wang Guangya, also voiced confidence that the parties could work towards a satisfactory solution to all of the outstanding humanitarian aspects related to the loss of Kuwaiti and third country persons and property resulting from the invasion.

In addition, Council members repeated their previous condemnation of the execution of Kuwaiti and third country nationals by the previous Iraqi regime, in violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and reiterated their conviction that those responsible should be brought to justice.