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UN, Arab League agree on cooperation to fight terrorism, promote understanding

UN, Arab League agree on cooperation to fight terrorism, promote understanding

The advancement of cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States in fighting terrorism and fostering understanding topped the agenda of a meeting today in Vienna between the two organizations.

“While the United Nations provides a framework for thinking globally, regional organizations offer the means to act locally,” Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in a message to the gathering. “Geographic proximity, as well as close historic and cultural ties among their members, give regional organizations such as the Arab League a distinct advantage in understanding the root causes of regional conflicts, and in finding peaceful solutions to these problems.”

The discussion touched on cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security, as well as economic and social issues. The League of Arab States expressed interest in benefiting from UN expertise in preventive diplomacy and conflict resolution, officials said.

The meeting called for strengthening cooperation between the two organizations in fighting terrorism, and underlined the necessity of building a culture of dialogue among civilizations in order to maintain international peace and security, according to the UN Office at Vienna, which hosted the event.