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Security Council may meet on Iran next week – Annan

Security Council may meet on Iran next week – Annan

Stressing the need for a negotiated solution to concerns over Iran’s nuclear ambitions, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today said the Security Council could take up the matter next week.

“I hope the parties will get back to the table, and Iran will take the necessary steps to cooperate with the [International] Atomic [Energy] Agency (IAEA) that will give confidence to the international community that indeed its ambition is peaceful use of nuclear energy, and work with the international community in that respect,” Mr. Annan told reporters in New York.

“I have said time and time again, the best solution is a negotiated one,” he stressed.

Earlier this week, the IAEA sent its report on Iran to the Security Council, marking the first time that global diplomacy on the issue shifted from the Vienna-based Agency, which has technical expertise, to the 15-member body, which has the power to adopt internationally binding resolutions.

The report to the Council, requested by the Board of Governors last month, points to outstanding questions about Tehran’s activities. “Although the Agency has not seen any diversion of nuclear material to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, the Agency is not at this point in time in a position to conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or activities in Iran,” it states.

The report voices concern that “uncertainties related to the scope and nature of Iran’s nuclear programme have not been clarified after three years of intensive Agency verification.”

Mr. Annan, who is departing for Africa this weekend, was asked whether he would return if the Iran issue flares up. “Obviously, wherever I am, if I am needed to be back at Headquarters, there will be absolutely no problem; I would be prepared to shorten my journey to come back, but I hope that will not be necessary,” he replied.

“The Council is seized of the matter, and will be discussing it, hopefully next week. We will take it from there.”