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In further talks with Iraq’s neighbours, top UN envoy visits Jordan

In further talks with Iraq’s neighbours, top UN envoy visits Jordan

SRSG Ashraf Qazi
The top United Nations envoy in Iraq today visited Amman, capital of neighbouring Jordan, where many of the world body’s operations have been based since the attack on the UN’s Baghdad headquarters in August 2003.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Special Representative Ashraf Qazi met with Jordanian Foreign Minister Abdul Elah al-Khatib, who he thanked for facilitating the work of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), “without which our operations in Iraq will be less effective.”

He briefed the minister on the latest political developments in Iraq, including the convening of the Iraqi National Assembly, formation of the government and efforts to promote national harmony following the attack on a Shiite shrine in Samarra last month and the ensuing rioting, destruction and deaths.

Mr. Qazi discussed with Mr. Khatib the role of Iraq’s neighbouring countries, the upcoming Arab Summit in Khartoum and the League of Arab States initiative for an Iraqi national accord conference, launched in Cairo last November. He noted the valuable role played by Jordan in these important initiatives.