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UN mission hindered by Eritrea’s helicopter restrictions

UN mission hindered by Eritrea’s helicopter restrictions

One week after the Security Council called upon the Government of Eritrea to reverse its decision to restrict flights over its airspace, United Nations helicopters remain grounded because of the restrictions, which are hampering the world body’s peacekeeping activities in the area.

The Secretary-General’s Special Representative, Legwaila Joseph Legwaila, is seeking a meeting with Col. Zecarias Ogabagader, the Eritrean official who is the main point of contact for the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE), to seek further clarification on the situation, according to a UN spokesman.

Without the helicopters, the UN is unable to observe and monitor 50 to 55 per cent of the area on the Eritrean side within the Temporary Security Zone, which creates a serious situation for UNMEE, according to Force Commander Gen. Rajinder Singh.

The Mission is considering closing two outposts, Bada and Fawlina, as it would endanger the troops to be in these remote areas without helicopter support in the event of an emergency.

The restrictions have also caused a halt in UN mine clearance activities, since helicopters must be on standby to evacuate anyone injured in those risky activities.