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Islamic group confers with Annan on Middle East peace process

Islamic group confers with Annan on Middle East peace process

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan met today in New York with representatives of a major organization of Islamic States, who expressed general support for recent diplomatic developments but expressed concern over events on the ground.

According to a UN press statement, the representatives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) expressed overall satisfaction with the most recent joint communiqué, issued Wednesday, of the Middle East diplomatic Quartet comprising the UN, the European Union, Russia and the United States.

That communiqué welcomed the successful conclusion of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, praised major actors in the operation and urged further measures to improve the Palestinian economy, end terrorism and resume negotiations toward a lasting settlement.

The delegation also expressed its concerns over Israel’s announcements of settlement expansion and barrier construction in the Jerusalem area. The Secretary-General stressed that no action should be taken by either party that would prejudice sensitive final status issues, which he said should be resolved through direct negotiations.