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Security Council extends mandate of security force in Afghanistan

Security Council extends mandate of security force in Afghanistan

The Security Council today voted unanimously to extend the mandate of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan for a year from the middle of next month and called upon United Nations Member States to commit more personnel, equipment and funds so that the force can work more effectively.

Extending the life of the force, ISAF, from 13 October until October of next year, the resolution noted that the responsibility for maintaining law and order ultimately rested with the Afghans themselves.

Expressing its appreciation to Italy from taking over the command of ISAF from Turkey, however, it urged ISAF to work closely with the Afghan Government and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, as well as with the Operation Enduring Freedom Coalition on implementing its mandate.

The resolution also requested quarterly reports from ISAF leaders through the Secretary-General on the implementation of its mandate.

After the United States-led forces ousted the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, ISAF was established in December 2001, initially for six months, to assist the Afghan Interim Authority in maintaining security in Kabul and surrounding areas, so that the members of the Authority and UN mission personnel could work in a safe environment.