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Iraq: top UN envoy resumes efforts to facilitate political process

Iraq: top UN envoy resumes efforts to facilitate political process

After a short trip away from Iraq, the top United Nations envoy in the war-torn country has plunged back into talks with political leaders in an effort to facilitate the political process ahead of next month's scheduled referendum on a new constitution.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Special Representative Ashraf Qazi today met with Abdel Aziz Al-Hakim, Chairman of the United Iraqi Alliance (UIA), Vice President Adel Abed Al-Mahdi and Deputy Prime Minister Roowsh Shaways to discuss the electoral law and latest developments in the constitutional process.

He reiterated that the UN would provide the needed help in printing and distributing the constitutional text authorized by the National Assembly.

Yesterday Mr. Qazi met with Vice President Ghazi El-Yawar as well as with a delegation of the Arab Sunni leadership led by Adnan Dulaimi, Chairman of the General Conference of the Sunni People.

Over the past months, the envoy has devoted much of his time to trying to ensure the participation of all elements in the country's political transition, particularly Sunni Arabs who largely stayed away from January's elections.

Sunni Arabs, who represent some 20 per cent of the population, were the dominant political force in Saddam Hussein's ousted regime. Shiites represent about 60 per cent and Sunni Kurds some 20 per cent. There are also other smaller communities such as Assyrians and Turkmen.