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Leading sports organizations join UN response to Indian Ocean tsunami

Leading sports organizations join UN response to Indian Ocean tsunami

Leaders of more than a dozen international sports organizations today pledged to join the United Nations-led recovery efforts underway in the countries devastated by the late December earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

"This is a time for sport to play its role to help in rebuilding strong communities, overcoming the trauma and making sure that people have access to recreation and sports facilities necessary for their recovery and development," said Adolf Ogi, Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, as he wrapped up a roundtable discussion held at the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG).

The meeting was organized in the framework of the International Year of Sport and Physical Education, and was hosted by Mr. Ogi and Claude Droussent, Editorial Director of L'Equipe, the French sports daily.

According to the UN, several sports organizations have already pitched in. The International Volleyball Federation has announced a $3 million contribution to the recovery activities, and the International Rugby Board used proceeds from a North-South rugby match to grant a $3.35 million check to the World Food Programme (WFP).