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Annan calls on Myanmar leaders to remain committed to democratization

Annan calls on Myanmar leaders to remain committed to democratization

Concerned by reports of the dismissal and detention of the Prime Minister of Myanmar, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today called on the country's authorities to remain committed to the process of national reconciliation and democratization.

A spokesperson for the Secretary-General said Mr. Annan is concerned about the events that unfolded overnight in Yangon, including reports that Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt was removed from office and put under house arrest.

Noting the change in the top leadership of the Government, the Secretary-General urges the authorities "to resume as soon as possible substantive dialogue with the National League for Democracy (NLD) and other political parties, as well as furthering its dialogue with ethnic nationality ceasefire and non-ceasefire groups," said Marie Okabe.

The Secretary-General is also concerned about the welfare of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her deputy, U Tin Oo, who have been kept under house arrest since May 2003. "He reiterates his call on the Myanmar authorities to release them without further delay," she added.