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Disarmament of ex-combatants in Liberia's Bong County begins - UN

Disarmament of ex-combatants in Liberia's Bong County begins - UN

More than 250 former combatants from the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) faction gave up their weapons as a disarmament and reintegration programme was smoothly launched in the war-torn West African country, the United Nations said today.

"Approximately 254 LURD ex-combatants have surrendered their weapons in Gbargna [in central Bong County] today and are now at the cantonment site for demobilization," UN spokesperson Marie Okabe told journalists in New York.

The programme will resume tomorrow morning with another 250 former fighters, she said.

During the DDRR process, combatants report to designated pick-up points with their weapons and ammunition. They are then brought to disarmament sites and, after laying down their arms, are transported to cantonment areas for demobilization. The former fighters will receive photo identification cards, medical screening, treatment and food and take part in orientation programmes.

After a minimum seven-day stay, the ex-soldiers will be discharged from the cantonment site and provided with $150 and transport assistance to support their return to their communities of choice. After three months, they will each get another $150 to help them start new lives. By then, they should be participating in specific reintegration projects.

The process originally began on 7 December, but was suspended one week later to allow time for the dissemination of more information to communities and better organization.