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Annan, Security Council denounce terrorist attacks in Iraq and Pakistan

Annan, Security Council denounce terrorist attacks in Iraq and Pakistan

Kofi Annan
Condemning today’s terrorist attacks in Iraq and Pakistan that have left scores dead or injured, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he is particularly appalled they took place around Muslim shrines during the holy occasion of Ashura.

In a statement issued by his spokesman, Mr. Annan urged Iraqis “to refrain from acts that could undermine efforts to achieve national reconciliation at this delicate stage of the country’s political situation.”

He also reiterated that all Iraqis should work toward building political consensus and national reconciliation.

Reacting also to today’s attack on an Ashura procession in the Pakistani city of Quetta, Mr. Annan said he was “similarly appalled” and voiced condemnation of the “cowardly” offensive.

The Secretary-General offered his condolences to the families of the victims, noting that “all terrorist acts, whatever their justifications, are morally reprehensible and wholly indefensible.”

Asked by reporters whether the UN believed the Iraq bombings were part of a plan by some people to pit Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims against each other, UN spokesman Fred Eckhard said “we would like to think…that the attacks are politically motivated and not based on religion, or not solely based on religion.”

The bombings of shrines in Karbala and Baghdad in Iraq and the fatal shooting of participants in the procession in Quetta have also been denounced by the Security Council and the Acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Ambassador Jean Marc de la Sablière of France, Security Council President for March, described the attacks as horrendous. Speaking to reporters in New York, he added that the Council condemned attempts to divide Muslims against each other.

Bertrand Ramcharan, the Acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said the attacks could not be justified in any way and called for an all-out effort to bring those responsible to justice.

“I sincerely hope the attacks will not make it more difficult to carry out the essential work of laying down a human rights infrastructure in the country,” he said in a statement released in Geneva. “Indeed, they make that task all the more important.”