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UN's role in Iraq headlines discussions between Annan and Japanese leader

UN's role in Iraq headlines discussions between Annan and Japanese leader

Kofi Annan with Prime Minister Koizumi
The United Nations' future role in Iraq dominated the agenda of talks today in Tokyo between UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

After a one-hour meeting late today, Mr. Annan told the press that they discussed the recent fact-finding mission to Iraq led by his Special Adviser Lakhdar Brahimi.

"We both agreed that the electoral issue is extremely important and we need to find a way of moving forward," he said, stressing that the UN was willing to play its role in Iraq once the security situation is resolved.

The two men discussed UN reform, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Afghanistan, the Global Compact and Japan's continuing support for the UN during a subsequent working dinner.

Mr. Annan began his official programme today with an audience with Japan's Emperor Akihito in the Imperial Palace. He also had lunch with the leaders of the Japan Business Federation, including those whose companies have joined the Global Compact.