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China has vital role in global efforts for peace, Annan says in New Year's greeting

China has vital role in global efforts for peace, Annan says in New Year's greeting

As millions of Chinese around the world rang in the Lunar New Year today, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said China had a vital role to play in global efforts for peace and development.

Looking back at 2003, the Secretary-General said the Year of the Goat for the United Nations was not an easy one. "But we are looking ahead with hope to the Year of the Monkey. We know it will bring new challenges, but we are determined to meet them creatively," he said in a videotaped greeting.

Mr. Annan, who will address the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, tomorrow, pledged to encourage global leaders in the year ahead to come together in the cause of peace, development and human rights. "In all such efforts, China plays a vital role. And China can take pride in its successes, in reducing poverty and opening up new opportunities for its people," he said.

"Of course, you still face many challenges, but if you keep moving on the path of reform, development, democratization and human rights, I am sure you will meet them," he added. "And if all countries walk together down that path, our world will be a safer and more peaceful place."