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Annan discusses economic concerns with Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister

Annan discusses economic concerns with Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister

Economic development, the HIV/AIDS pandemic and regional concerns facing the Caribbean were high on the agenda today during talks between United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Patrick Manning.

Speaking to reporters in Port of Spain following their meeting, Mr. Annan said he had stressed the importance of combating stigma and discrimination in the battle against AIDS. He also touched on trade issues affecting the Caribbean.

In a subsequent address to UN personnel working in Trinidad and Tobago, the Secretary-General stressed the paramount importance of staff security. He noted that he has taken measures to rectify weaknesses in the system, including in the area of accountability, but added that “reinforcing our security measures is not only a question of more equipment, more guards or more protective film on windows, important though such steps are – we also need to rethink how we operate.”

Also today, Mr. Annan had meetings scheduled with leaders of the opposition United National Congress, members of the UN Association in the country, and heads of UN agencies working there.

The Secretary-General is expected back in New York over the weekend.