Global perspective Human stories

Annan lauds labour union's involvement in Global Compact

Annan lauds labour union's involvement in Global Compact

Praising the role of a major international workers' union in promoting his Global Compact, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan called today for even greater involvement by world labour in the initiative, which seeks to advance good corporate citizenship and responsible globalization from both labour and business.

"When promoting the Global Compact, I often say that the United Nations needs good partners. I am glad that we have such a partner in the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions" (ICEM)," Mr. Annan said in a message to the organization's third congress in Stavanger, Norway.

He noted that the Compact seeks to advance responsible corporate citizenship by promoting nine universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour and the environment, relying on public accountability, transparency and enlightened self-interest.

"Above all, it depends on partnerships, including with international labour organizations that are reaching global agreements with multinational corporations," he said, referring to several such agreements reached by ICEM.

"ICEM has therefore done much to promote the principles of the Global Compact and the vision of a more sustainable and inclusive global economy that lies at its heart," he added. "I hope that you will build on these efforts in the future.

"Your leadership is particularly important in generating support for the Compact within the global labour movement. I take heart from the fact that this year has seen greater involvement by global labour in the Compact than ever before. This bodes well for the future of the Global Compact," he concluded.