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Annan urges restraint after shooting from Lebanon across withdrawal line

Annan urges restraint after shooting from Lebanon across withdrawal line

Kofi Annan
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said today he was "very concerned" at the exchanges of fire across the line of withdrawal in Southern Lebanon, initiated from Lebanese territory - with a barrage at Israeli army posts - and urged the parties involved to avoid increasing tension there.

The barrage in the Shabaa farms area was the first violent exchange in more than six months. In a report to the Security Council last month, Mr. Annan said it had been the longest period of relative calm along the so-called Blue Line since Israel withdrew from Lebanon more than three years ago after 22 years of occupation.

"The Secretary-General is very concerned at the exchanges of fire across the Blue Line in Southern Lebanon, initiated from Lebanese territory, which have been reported today," a UN spokesman said in a statement.

"The Shabaa Farms area has been quiet for some months and the Secretary-General urges the parties involved to avoid further actions which will increase the tensions in this sensitive and volatile area."