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Acting UN rights chief condemns suicide bombing of Russian military hospital

Acting UN rights chief condemns suicide bombing of Russian military hospital

Condemning last Friday’s suicide bombing of a Russian military hospital, the Acting United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Bertrand Ramcharan, today called for public opinion to rally against suicide bombings and for the strengthening of international resolve to combat terrorism and bring terrorists to justice.

Mr. Ramcharan said in a statement issued today that there was no justification for the terrorist bombing of a Russian military hospital in Mozdok, North Ossetia, in which 50 people were killed and dozens of others injured. The Acting High Commissioner called all terrorist attacks “reprehensible and criminal” and also lamented the terrorist attacks on places of worship, such as the recent bombing in Pakistan.

The statement also called for a rallying of public opinion against terrorism and a strengthening of resolutions to bring terrorists to justice in accordance with the principles of international human rights law.